Ben Leslie

Geospatial Analyst

About Ben

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in the summer of 2020, Ben reached out to Geollect’s COO Richard Gwilliam, looking for a way to kickstart his geospatial career. Geollect gave him that chance and for 6-weeks Ben worked from home as an intern, joining the GIS team on a whole range of exciting projects. The ever-growing team here is wonderful and the great relationship they all have with each other and the company itself was obvious from the get-go. When it came to meeting everyone in person, no introductions were necessary thanks to the weekly socials, “Friday Banger” music competitions- which Ben is hoping to claim the top spot on soon- and regular zoom calls. As the 6 weeks came to a close, Ben was delighted to be offered a full-time position on the GIS team. He now utilises the GIS skills he picked up while studying BSc Geography at the University of Exeter to contribute to the development of exciting new platforms that are monitoring areas such as the global health situation, all things COVID-19 and live natural hazard events. Ben is excited about what the future holds at Geollect and hopes to utilise his team’s pool of knowledge to improve upon his web development skills. Outside of Geollect, Ben can usually be found outdoors, either in the mountains, on the water or lost on his bike somewhere in Bristol.