Will Hillman

Head of Geospatial Operations

About Will

Will Hillman, Head of Geospatial Operations, captains the Engine Room of Geollect’s intelligence product development and delivery.

As Head of Geospatial Operations, Will performs a multi-faceted role within Geollect. You may meet him on a technical development, account management, cloud-deployment, expert witness, or you name it basis. A proclaimed “swiss army-knife”, Will can always be found where the fight is.

With an ever-increasing knowledge of private and public sectors, Will continues to deliver products, services, and consultancy to a wide range of customers and verticals.

Highlights of employee include developing an award-winning platform in response to COVID-19 and saving hundreds of millions in potential claims for customers across insurance.

You may find Will delivering technical talks across the globe or discussing which breed of dog he will own one day, sporting an ever-changing style of facial hair. A veracious consumer of music, Geollect’s Friday afternoons are dominated by a game known as ‘Unknown Banger’ – a game Will hopes to release to the public in the future.