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Navigating Life in a Start-up

As we begin our 9th month of trading, we here at Geollect have taken a step back to reflect on the wonderful chaos of the past 8 months. We’ve been busy developing and running the business, researching markets and routes into them, and growing and nurturing a team that is passionate about making this a success. It’s not easy, and there are days when everyone wants to call it quits, but we’ve persevered and are beginning to realise the benefits of Geollect’s services and offerings. see fruits of our labour.

The hardest, yet most rewarding, part of this all has been navigating through the unknowns and seemingly impossible questions. Who in the commercial sector will take an interest in geospatial intelligence? How do we convert our skillsets from military and government into useable, actionable intelligence for commercial decision makers? We quickly found the best route to answer these questions was the simplest – ask more questions. Instead of sitting down to talk at a potential, or existing customer, we sit down and ask them questions. What are their biggest frustrations in both their daily tasks and longer-term projects? What do they spend the most time on in their daily tasks? When we are able to then display a Geollect service that can alleviate some of those pains, we know we have convinced someone else of the benefits of geospatial intelligence.

The rewards come from working closely with a customer and developing a solution that can greatly impact how they are doing business. In the last 6 months, Geollect has saved its customers over 650million USD. Hard to believe, isn’t it? That figure is the demonstrator for the true power of what geospatial intelligence can do.

The rewards also come from working amongst a team of people who can remain creative, humorous and flexible, even when the pressure and stress are at all time highs. Geollect has changed us all in ways we didn’t quite expect. Without realising it, we have all gained skills we never thought we had the aptitude for and we have all

As we gear up to make the trek out to San Diego to exhibit as part of the Start-up Zone at the Esri User Conference, we realise we are reaching another milestone in our journey. We are no longer a concept, we are ready to launch geospatial intelligence service offerings and product lines that can transform businesses, and the Esri UC is a great platform for us to get the Geollect name out there!

If you’re interested in finding out more about how our experienced team can help your business, please get in touch.